06 June 2007

Flights within Australia

Hey Folks, if you are planning a trip to Far North Queensland and then a visit to Uluru (our wonderful Rock in the Northern Territory) then you really need to think about flying. The buses are way expensive and take a heap of time.....remember you can put the whole of Europe into Australia - its a big country. Add to that the fact that we have a small population, more people work in London each day then live in the whole of Australia.....so we dont have the masses of people to create cheap flights. If you are offered cheap internal Aus flights with your round the world ticket or London to Sydney flight, we believe you should take them! One girl here has just paid over $500 for a flight from Cairns to Alice Springs.

1 comment:

  1. some flights between major destinations are cheaper, but small place to small place is more expensive, especially if there is only one airlines operating to that destination.
