12 June 2007

Do you need sunshine for white water rafting?

Today I had someone ask me what the weather is going to be like over the next couple of days as he would like to go white water rafting in the sunshine. Of course life in general is better when the sun is shining but rafting is one of those great tours that you can do no matter what the weather. You can appreciate that people wanting to go skydiving or a boat trip to the Great Barrier Reef are going to be more watchful of the weather. Hopefully our visitor will be more than happy to go out on the Tully River whatever the weather because it really is a fabulous day, and yes you get wet even if the sun is shining.


  1. The Tully Gorge runs through the most beautiful rainforest, the rainforest looks awesome in the rain and is as it is because of it. Another factor to remember is that it rarely rains all day in the tropics, we tend to have bands that come and then go. And lets face it folks it is not cold!

  2. If you're going to get wet in, let's be honest here, cold water then who gives a monkey's if it's not sunny?
