30 May 2007


Drongo, what a great Aussie word, and arent there some Drongos out there. Lucky we think Drongos can be great people too.....just a little on the dull side thats all! Todays Drongos included the man who couldnt remember who he had booked accommodation with only 5 minutes ago (lucky he still had the number in his mobile phone!), the guy who forgot his bus ticket and expected to get on the bus without it (lucky we are kind and are online booking agents and can reprint tickets) and finally the lovely lady who went to Cairns without her handbag.....lucky we have a good relationship with the bus drivers and could send it on the Greyhound. Handbag and Drongo have been happily reunited. Our motto here at the Mission Beach Information Station is "be kind to Drongos"! We love it!

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